Articles Tagged 'task overdue an'

Analyzing Overdue Tasks

One of the frequent activities that is monitored in a plan-driven project is the schedule delays due to tasks. This article helps visualizing the tasks across the iterations to evaluate any task delay patterns that can be addressed.  

Pareto Approach to Task Overdue Analysis - Option 2

Sometimes, the analysis of tasks may be associated with both known and unknown releases. Simultaneously, analysis may also involve tasks either associated to requirements within a known release or just stand alone without connection to a release. Furthermore, this analysis may be limited only to the tasks in progress or not started at all. This article addresses how to accomplish this request. 

Pareto Approach to Task Overdue Analysis - Option 1

Analyzing tasks is not limited to project releases. Sometimes, tasks may be unassigned to a release further impacting how certain project releases can't even start. So, applying Pareto level (80/20 rule) thoughts can be extended to dig deeper into the tasks. This article helps with this approach.